I predict that the coming elections will be determined by those with good memories who refuse to vote against their own interests by not voting at all.
Remember when most Americans were promised $2,000 by Biden and the Dems? $2,000 equaled $1,200 according to them as the electorate lied to themselves and made efforts to believe them.
Platitudes were spouted and half measures of half measures followed.
Hey, we could do it if if wasn't for those nasty Republicans, and the nasty parliamentarian, and the nasty filibuster, and nasty McConnell, and nasty Sinema, and nasty SCOTUS, six nasty Dem Representatives, and the nasty Capitol rioters, and the nasty billionaires who won't pay their taxes (what little they are charged), and nasty Manchin, and nasty (fill in the blanks).
Centrists (?) claim we cannot afford tons of things as they insist on funding even more billions of dollars than the Pentagon requests after ending a 20 year war in Afghanistan.
And now we are supposed to believe this?
"The Democrats have also dropped dental and vision coverage from the bill.
They say dental coverage would be too expensive for the government.
I can’t afford dental insurance so I pay out of pocket. If the Democrats think dental coverage is too expensive for the government, how do they imagine I can afford it?"
2022 and 2024 elections will be lost by the same people who cannot or will not pass a Voting Rights Bill that assures that our votes will be counted.
Chew on that tidbit of information.
See how well that goes over with voters.
Oops! I forgot that we cannot chew or see because Dems dropped dental and vision coverage.
I predict that the coming elections will be determined by those with good memories who refuse to vote against their own interests by not voting at all.
Remember when most Americans were promised $2,000 by Biden and the Dems? $2,000 equaled $1,200 according to them as the electorate lied to themselves and made efforts to believe them.
Platitudes were spouted and half measures of half measures followed.
Hey, we could do it if if wasn't for those nasty Republicans, and the nasty parliamentarian, and the nasty filibuster, and nasty McConnell, and nasty Sinema, and nasty SCOTUS, six nasty Dem Representatives, and the nasty Capitol rioters, and the nasty billionaires who won't pay their taxes (what little they are charged), and nasty Manchin, and nasty (fill in the blanks).
Centrists (?) claim we cannot afford tons of things as they insist on funding even more billions of dollars than the Pentagon requests after ending a 20 year war in Afghanistan.
And now we are supposed to believe this?
"The Democrats have also dropped dental and vision coverage from the bill.
They say dental coverage would be too expensive for the government.
I can’t afford dental insurance so I pay out of pocket. If the Democrats think dental coverage is too expensive for the government, how do they imagine I can afford it?"
2022 and 2024 elections will be lost by the same people who cannot or will not pass a Voting Rights Bill that assures that our votes will be counted.
Chew on that tidbit of information.
See how well that goes over with voters.
Oops! I forgot that we cannot chew or see because Dems dropped dental and vision coverage.
I call bullshit!