Why is David Mamet even treated as a serious person?
Another attack on teachers rooted in male supremacy.
All my drawings can be found on Instagram @klonskyart
Thirty years as an elementary school art teacher and I knew I was always suspect.
I was a man, teaching in a female profession.
Why do I call it a “female profession”?
In Park Ridge, where I taught elementary art for all those 30 years, there are two pay scales for teachers. One for elementary teachers, mostly women. A different pay scale for high school teachers, which is more male.
Guess who gets paid more?
And why would a man choose to work at a job that pays them like a woman?
Recently the noted reactionary playwright David Mamet, who comes from Chicago, said openly what others think but mostly keep to themselves.
Speaking on Fox News Sunday, Mamet shared his bullshit opinion on Florida’s homophobic school curricula after Florida passed a so-called “Don’t Say Gay” bill, which bans discussion of sexual orientation or gender in school.
“We have to take back control,” Mamet said. “If there’s no community control of the schools, what we have is kids being not only indoctrinated but groomed in a very real sense by people who are, whether they know it or not, sexual predators.
“Are they abusing the kids physically? No, I don’t think so. But they’re abusing them mentally and using sex to do so,” he added.
“This has always been the problem with education – teachers are inclined, typically men because men are predators, to pedophilia,” the 74-year-old said.
There seems to be some real obsessive behavior by right-wingers with pedophilia and it would take a shrink at a higher pay grade than mine to fully explain it.
This I know. The fact that those like Mamet suspect all male teachers of grooming and abusing their students is rooted in the disrespect of the teaching profession.
And that, my readers, is rooted in male supremacy.
Teaching, no matter how many degrees we have, is considered a woman’s job.
Why would a man, who normally is paid more than women for doing the same job, do it unless they had some ulterior motive?
Mamet has a play opening on Broadway.
He’s treated as a serious thinker.
After hearing Mamet's most recent comments, I reread some of his work through a new lens. Glengarry Glen Ross. American Buffalo. They are actually just ultra- macho, white male propaganda disguised as art about the human experience. It seems so obvious now. Because of the cadence and rhythm of his language, people thought he had something new to say. That his characters were nuanced and modern. In fact his story is as old as those who persecuted Socrates.
I really enjoy your art.