Why is Chicago provoking the potential for another disaster at the DNC? '68 redux.

What ever is Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson thinking?
Are he and cop Superintendent Snelling being intentionally provocative or are they just stupid?
While Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are surging in the polls and could pull out a win over the lunatic felon, the Mayor and his police superintendent are doing their best to set Harris and Walz up for defeat.
All the MAGAs need is another police riot at the Chicago convention to see that current four percent polling lead slip away.
Superintendent Larry Snelling spoke to the press yesterday threatening planned protests with mass arrest.
It was as provocative a performance as one could imagine.
At least since Mayor Richard J. Daley in 1968.
I guess we are supposed to be happy that Snelling didn’t call for his police to "shoot to kill arsonists" and "shoot to maim looters," as Mayor Daley did in 1968 after Martin Luther King was assassinated.
We’re not happy.
For all the talk of rioting protesters, the ‘68 convention was a police riot according to the report commissioned by the Illinois governor at the time.
Hubert Humphrey and the Democrats would never recover from the police riot and lost the election to Richard Nixon.
Make no mistake. Snelling is the Mayor’s guy. Johnson picked him.
The attempt to limit protests, particularly those aimed at the Democratic administration’s support for Israeli genocide, is as provocative as it is suicidal for Democratic prospects in November.