The Democrats and progressives were gloating following the debate between Trump and Harris.
As a TV show is was fun watching the Trump meltdown after Harris poked him with her comments about his rally goers getting bored and leaving.
Nothing seems to upset the megalomaniac more than diminishing his crowd size.
Polls and pundits declared Trump the loser in the debate.
And while I enjoyed the spectacle, I am less enthused by the substance of some of Harris’ comments.
That is certainly true when it comes to Gaza and Ukraine.
And immigration.
In fact, once you get past the bombast, the bullshit and the weird stories about eating dogs and cats, there is not much light between the two of them when it comes to immigrants.
The Democrats have moved way to the right on this. They have adopted the Republican message of closing the border, limiting asylum, and funding the border security.
When Harris accused Trump of killing the border bill and immigration reform, the Democrats in the huge television audience may have nodded their heads, but the bi-partisan bill was terrible.
It was an anti-immigration bill.
If Trump is crazy, another example is that he managed to kill an immigration bill that he could easily have written.
That bill, negotiated earlier this year by Biden and a bipartisan group of senators, would have put $20 billion toward new security measures at the southern border and imposed new, more restrictive policies toward asylum seekers and other migrants.
As for the wall, the bill included hundreds of millions of dollars in funding for southern border wall construction.
Didn’t the Democrats once oppose The Wall?