"Parents' rights" are like "states' rights."
In Ron DeSantis’ Florida so-called parents’ rights have been codified as the “Don’t Say Gay” law.
How does this guarantee the parental rights of LGBT+ kids?
Of course, it doesn’t.
And that’s the point. When the MAGA Right talks about parental rights they don’t mean all parents. Just some parents.
And in Florida, some parents get a veto over the rights of other parents.
The parents with the veto power are often a minority.
It is much like when the Southern segregationists use the language of state’s rights in order to impose their racism on everyone else.
Are parents being denied rights in this country?
You bet they are.
The parents of poor kids, Black and Brown kids, Special Needs kids and gender nonconforming kids have all been denied rights for years.
Now, as we build a movement for equality and equity in education, the so-called Parents’ Rights movement is the MAGA push back.
The misnamed Parents’ Rights campaign is but another attempt by the MAGA Republicans to gin up their base.
The parent who wants an inclusive education for their Special Needs child?
The parent who wants equal access and safety for their LGBT kid?
The parent who wants their student who goes to school on the west side to have the same funding (if not more) and opportunity as the kids of the parents on the north shore?
The mothers and fathers who want their children to go to school without fear of gun violence?
So, when we talk about parents’ rights.
Which parents? Which rights?