Forcing NYC retirees to private Medicare Advantage.
My art is on Insgram #klonskyart.
My retired teacher friends in New York City have been fighting the attempt to move their healthcare to a privatized Medicare Advantage plan.
Today, you will begin our campaign to City Council with the message BELOW:
Councilwoman Adrienne Adams
Councilwoman Carmen De La Rosa
COPY PASTE THE BELOW MESSAGE INTO AN EMAIL! and write your name at the end and how many years you worked for the City, like this
Susie Smith, NYCHA 35 years
SUBJECT LINE: The REAL Retirees say DON'T Amend 12-126
Dear City Council,
The Mayor and City Council should immediately appoint a Blue Ribbon Commission to address healthcare costs and potential savings -- with all stakeholders at the table, specifically retirees. The unions are desperate and have been putting out disinformation about the Health Stabilization Fund and the cost of protecting seniors' healthcare. And they have been telling active workers that if they don't contact their City Council members and ask that 12-126 be changed, the actives will have to pay $1500 in premiums -- pitting actives against retirees. This is outrageous. Enough gas lighting! Let's deal with real facts, real choices, and real savings.
The UFT has sent emails to the City Council spoofing our Organization and email messaging to protect Admin Code 12-126 in its current form. So please note, we believe the Code, which states, “The city will pay the entire cost of health insurance coverage for city employees, city retirees, and their dependents, not to exceed one hundred percent of the full cost of H.I.P.-H.M.O. on a category basis,” (of individual and family) protects us ALL EQUALLY. PROTECT IT!
Brian Gibbon from the UFT has used the subject line: URGENT! NYC Retirees Need Your Help! We are the NYC Retirees, and do not need THEIR help, they are trying to kill us. And unions, under the Taylor Law, cannot represent retirees. The above are some pretty good reasons why, sadly.
Here is our website of links where we fact check and debunk the rhetoric coming from DC37, UFT and MLC, so far.
Thank you for protecting us! (and you too!)